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1 Peter 1:13

1 Peter 1:13

“Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” – 1:13

Therefore – in light of the salvation that has come, that the prophets searched for, the mercy that has brought us new life, as a result of this…

gird up the loins of your mind – this is the call to action in light of the gift of salvation which God in His mercy has given us. We are called to gird up “

gird up – literally, “having girded up,” this refers to an action already performed. This word “gird” was used to describe the action of the Oriental in gathering up the long folds of his outer garment and tucking them into his waistband or girdle prior to such physical effort as walking or running. And so it would seem that Peter, in view of the priceless gift of salvation (1 Peter 1:9, 10) he exhorts us in like matter to prepare our minds for a diligent activity to follow the news of the priceless gift of salvation.

mind – The Christian should gather up the loose ends of his thinking, should cease speculating on unprofitable topics, and should exercise his mind on the great truths of salvation revealed by the Spirit of Christ (1 Peter 1:11)

be sober,  – “to be sober, to be calm and collected in spirit”

and rest your hope fully upon – there is a physical, mental and spiritual change that comes from the gift of salvation. But what are we resting on?

the grace – this is that mercy that leads to adoption and new life, which qualifies us for the inheritance of eternal life.

that is to be brought to you – we get this gift from Jesus

at the revelation of Jesus Christ – at His return.

An application:

Father, help me to rest in this grace that you have shown me. Help me too girl up the loins of my mind. Amen



Robbie is an international Bible teacher and much sought after speaker. He shares on various biblical themes and topcis.

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