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1 Peter 1:10

1 Peter 1:10

“Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you,” – 1:10

Of this salvation – the salvation that we receive at the end of our faith.

the prophets have inquired and searched carefully – why have they inquired and search carefully? They must have had an understanding of how salvation works, but some part of the puzzle was still missing to the OT prophets.

who prophesied – they speak under inspiration.

of the grace that would come to you – our salvation is based on grace. They knew something was missing, and that something was to come – this something was actually a someone. Jesus. (see verse 11)

An application:

Father, thank you for Jesus. Thank you for wanting to save me with your grace. Amen.

Robbie is an international Bible teacher and much sought after speaker. He shares on various biblical themes and topcis.

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