
1 Peter 1:11

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1 Peter 1:11

“searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.” – 1:11

searching – this is the “inquired and searched carefully” of verse 10. They are on a quest to find something out. What do they want to know?

what, or what manner of time – this is what they wanted to know – “what time”

the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating – they are prophets because they have the Spirit of Prophecy. And it is this Spirit that gave them the indications.

when He testified beforehand – the information came “before” it was a prediction. A prediction of hope, when we would receive the end of our faith. But how do we have this hope, this faith, this inheritance, this salvation? Because of His sufferings.

the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. – They wanted to know the “what time” Christ would come and suffer (the cross) and “what time” the glories would follow. 

An application:

Father, thank-you and Jesus your Son, for the gift of the cross, which promises salvation to my soul. Help me as I search and inquire carefully this great plan of salvation. Please help me live joyously today no matter what comes! Amen.



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