
1 Peter 1:7

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1 Peter 1:7

“that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,” – 1:7

In verse six Peter has shown that because we have an inheritance we should be the happiest people on the earth. Even though if for a little while we are grieved. In this verse, we will see “why” we are grieved by various trials.

that the genuineness of your faith – these trials are allowed in order to “prove” (Greek: that by which something is tried or proved, a test) but what is being tested? Our faith (Greek: conviction of the truth). In this, our minds are taken back to the book of Job, and the accusation which is brought by Satan to God in heaven regarding Job “But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!” (Job 1:11) In the very next passage, God allows Satan to “prove” his claim and we know the rest of the story. It would seem to me that God does not need to “test” our faith for his purpose, as He is God and already knows. This proving is for the benefit of others (ie, Angles, Unfallen worlds).

being much more precious – According to Peter, the claim is that our faith (which is being tested or proved) IS much more precious than gold. So this faith is the real deal, but there is a question by “others” as too “is it really?” when we think about this, this is really the whole purpose of the investigative judgment, the judgment that takes place before the return of Jesus the second time. Because as that judgment scene is described in the book of Daniel chapter 7, we see that it takes place “books open” in front of the angels.

gold that perishes – gold is the standard by which all things are compared to according to value, and yet, it perishes. Our faith however by implication, does not and should not perish.

though it is tested – again the picture of a “proving” a “testing” is presented that we are to expect this. Someone (Satan) is accusing (he is the accuser of the breather) that our faith is not “genuineness”.

by fire – so how will our faith be tested? fire. A fire has light, heat, and consumption these are the proving elements, light, heat, and consumption. (Interesting side thought, Peter’s faith was tested by fire when he was warming himself and the servant girl said that he was a follower of Jesus and he denied it – Luke 22:56)

Paul writes “each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is.” (1 Cor 3:13)

may be found to praise – this is the goal of the “proving” the “testing”, praise, I wonder by who, us as we are going through the trial, or the angels, the unfallen world?

honor – (Greek: valuing by which the price is fixed)

glory – (Greek: worship , praise, dignity)

at the revelation of Jesus Christ – this is when it is finished, at the second coming.

An application:

Father, help me to see these trails for what they are, and may it bring praise and honor and glory to you! Amen.

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