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1 Peter 1:9

1 Peter 1:9

“receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls.,” – 1:9

In verses six, seven, and eight, Peter has shown that for a little while we are grieved by various trials and the reason for it and our response to these trails is joy.

In this verse, Peter explains why we can go through various trials and still be joyous!

receiving the end of your faith – this is what we are looking forward to. This is our hope, to see the end of our faith. Faith is only needed while we are still waiting, once we have received, we no longer need faith. 

the salvation of your souls – this is the goal. This is why we are happy now, even though we face various trials. This is the source of our joy. Remember David said “Restore unto me the JOY of my salvation!” (Psalm 51:12)

An application:

Father, help me to see the goal before me, salvation, help me to have joy no matter what I face in this life. Amen.

Robbie is an international Bible teacher and much sought after speaker. He shares on various biblical themes and topcis.

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