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Study links pesticides in rural Victoria to spike in Parkinson’s disease cases


Study links pesticides in rural Victoria to spike in Parkinson’s disease cases

An increased prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in northwest Victoria has led to speculation pesticides used in pulse production could be behind the cluster.

A study by Monash University and the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health has found rural areas where chickpeas, faba beans, lentils, vetches and barley are farmed have higher rates of Parkinson’s disease.

“This new report – focusing on one possible cause – suggests further research is needed to explore the potential link between the use of pesticides used in farming of pulses and an increased risk of Parkinson’s,” Parkinson’s Victoria chief executive Emma Collin said in statement on World Parkinson’s Day.

Researchers have found four neighbouring local government areas in northwest Victoria – Buloke, Horsham, Northern Grampians and Yarriambiack – are exceptions to the rule that Parkinson’s prevalence doesn’t differ between urban and rural locations.

The new study suggests recorded cases of Parkinson’s, based on medication usage, are 78 percent higher than average in Buloke, 76 percent higher in Horsham, 57 percent higher in Northern Grampians and 34 percent higher in Yarriambiack.

The four areas all have increased farming production of pulses including chickpeas, faba beans, lentils and vetches – as well as barley.

While the prevalence is higher in northwest Victoria the number of people suffering with the disease was still less than one per cent of the overall population.

The research doesn’t investigate pesticides directly – hence the call for further study.

But it’s been known for decades that high doses of some pesticides can cause Parkinson’s disease in the laboratory.

Overseas studies have identified risk factors for Parkinson’s include living in rural areas and exposure to herbicides, pesticides and bore water.

Parkinson’s is a chronic and progressive neurological condition that affects the nervous system and alters co-ordination and movement.

The findings from the study by Monash University and the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health are expected to be published in full later this year.


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Robbie is an international Bible teacher and much sought after speaker. He shares on various biblical themes and topcis.

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